iten +39 0835 334033

Tramontano Castle

The construction of these massive towers began in the early 1500s by the Count of Matera Gian Carlo Tramontano, born in S. Anastasia.

Aragonese style, it was designed with the aim of defending the city along the most exposed side, but remained unfinished for the killing of the Count, which occurred during a violent popular uprising on December 29, 1514. The very high cost of the work, equal to over 25 thousand ducats and the very low wages of 6 money a day, they contributed to exacerbate the spirits of the Matera people, who put an end to the abuses in one of the most violent pages in the history of the city.

The moral of this episode can be read in the motto on the city coat of arms, which reads “Bos lassus firmius figit pedem”, literally “the tired ox sinks his paw more firmly” to mean the charge of violence that can manifest itself in a peaceful people, but tired of harassment.

The castle, never inhabited for the reasons outlined above, is undergoing restoration with the redevelopment of the whole area and with the creation of a real park, as planned for several years.

Book your guided tour in Matera ph. 0835 334033 mail.